Let us Continue
Let us continue
our incredible dance
let us live madly
and love
and never cease
to wring joy
from the plummeting earth
with our pounding feet.
Even now
amid carrion screams,
the black-wheeled coming wagons
and the remote ice voices
of clear intent,
let us sing.
Now loudly, now softly
the maddest,
the most joyous
the most
ancient songs,
and let us continue our dance
and let us
never cease.
Let us continue
our incredible dance
let us live madly
and love
and never cease
to wring joy
from the plummeting earth
with our pounding feet.
Even now
amid carrion screams,
the black-wheeled coming wagons
and the remote ice voices
of clear intent,
let us sing.
Now loudly, now softly
the maddest,
the most joyous
the most
ancient songs,
and let us continue our dance
and let us
never cease.